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LOST Puddle Jumper Pro (5'9) FUTURES Lightspeed Dark Orange Logo

Brand: LOST
Construction: LIGHTSPEED


Size Range

5' 7 X 19.25 X 2.38 V27.5
5'9 X 19.75 X 2.44 V29.95
6'1 X 20.75 X 2.64 V36

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Product Overview

The Lost Puddle Jumper Pro is a performance shortboard that is designed for intermediate to advanced surfers. It is made from EPS foam and Epoxy resin.


Watch Exclusive Interview with Matt Biolos

Key Features

  • Lightspeed construction
  • Slightly longer, more shortboard-y outline
  • Lower tail rocker and deeper single to double concave with vee in the tail
  • Five fin box setup



  • Lightspeed construction: This makes the board easy to paddle and catch waves, while also making it durable enough to withstand the rigors of surfing.
  • Slightly longer, more shortboard-y outline: This makes the board more maneuverable and easier to turn, while also providing more stability in bigger waves.
  • Lower tail rocker and deeper single to double concave with vee in the tail: This gives the board a faster and more responsive feel, while also providing more hold in the pocket.
  • Five fin box setup: This allows you to fine-tune the board's performance to suit your surfing style and the wave conditions.

Learn more about the Puddle Jumper Pro

$880.00 USD

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