Surf Artist Andy Davis and His Hawaiian South Shore Collaboration

Surf Artist Andy Davis and His Hawaiian South Shore Collaboration

HwnSouthShore TEE Andy Davis  Shirt Black

Surfing has long been a community of free thinkers and creatives, yet the number of surf artists whose work has stood the test of time can probably be counted on two hands. The simple reality is that it is difficult to make a living as an artist in our society, and the surf market is so small (relatively speaking) that it makes it virtually impossible to be financially successful when making surf-inspired art.

One person who has been able to turn surf art into a sustainable lifestyle is Andy Davis. Born in Southern California and currently living in Leucadia (north of San Diego), Davis has been making art for as long as he can remember. His minimalist style fit perfectly into the hipster-influenced Ride Anything movement of the early 2000s, and his long, unique lines and creative surf paintings have been a mainstay of our culture for decades. Daviss work has been featured throughout the surf media, including in Thomas Campbells epoch-defining films. He has done collaborations with Billabong, Roxy, Vans, Captain Fin Co., the Surfrider Foundation…and even Hawaiian South Shore!

HwnSouthShore TEE Andy Davis Shirt

Two decades ago, when Andy Davis was at the beginning of his amazing career, we collaborated with him on a series of Hawaiian South Shore t-shirt designs. To celebrate the 20-year anniversary of that collection, we’ve recently reprinted one of our designs in two colors. Whether you are an Andy Davis fanatic or just a fan of surf art, these shirts are a great addition to the collection.

Thanks to Andy for being a part of the Hawaiian South Shore family and sharing his talents with us. We are still fans, all these years later!


