JS Industries Red Baron Surfboard Review
Red Baron Surfboard Review
Kipos (5'6" and weighs 145 pounds) takes us along for a surf session and shares his experience riding the Red Baron 5'3" surfboard. The waves are looking good, and Kipos has been enjoying riding this board lately. He mentions that he also surfs in the country but decided to hit the waves at South Peoples today. As the conversation continues, Kipos and his surfing buddy discuss different board sizes and preferences. He mentions trying different fins, including the Machados and Al Merrick ones, but ultimately finds that the current fin setup on his Red Band board works best for him.
Curious about the board's capabilities, Kipos is asked about the largest wave he has ever surfed. He recalls riding some sizable Hawaiian waves but also mentions enjoying smaller, playful conditions. He appreciates the versatility of the Red Baron board, mentioning its good paddling ability, which allows him to navigate currents and escape big sets if needed. Towards the end of the conversation, Kipos and his buddy share a lighthearted moment as they try to remember their exact location. Laughter ensues, creating a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Join Kipos on his surf adventures and learn more about the Red Baron 5'3" surfboard. Whether you're a seasoned surfer or just getting started, this blog offers insights and experiences that any surf enthusiast can appreciate.
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