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"too fish" のすべての結果を見る

  • FIREWIRE (7)
  • LOST (1)
  • FISH (6)
  • TOO FISH (4)
  • 26L - 30L (5)
  • 31L - 35L (4)
  • 36L - 40L (4)
  • 41L - 45L (3)
  • 46L - 50L (1)
  • 5'0" - 5'11" (5)
  • 6'0" - 6'11" (3)
  • KEEL FINS (2)
Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Longboard


The Ultimate Guide in Choosing a Longboard Surfboards

Summary Choosing the right longboard can be a daunting task, but understanding the different types, materials, size, and features can help. Here's a quick summary: Types of longboards: Classic Logs, Performance Longboards, Hybrid Longboards, Beginner Longboards Size guide: 9'0" for 100-150 lbs, 9'6" for heavier surfers, 10'0"+ for surfers over 200 lbs Factors to consider: Skill level, surfing style, wave conditions, height, weight, fitness level, material (PU or epoxy) Riding techniques: Trimming, noseriding, turning, gliding Maintenance: Regular cleaning, checking for dings, proper storage, cleaning and lubricating bearings Once you understand the difference between the different types of longboards, you still...



Hawaiian South Shore February Newsletter

MOGUSA – THE GREAT REMEDY David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore When I was a kid growing up in Okinawa, I remember my parents always signed me up for sports. I was one of those kids that could never sit still, and I was always getting into things… so yeah, I was a hyper kid. I played soccer, football and baseball. My father was in the Marine Corps and the coaches were usually Marine Corps grunts (Marine in Infantry), so they didn't put up with any BS. I remember spraining my ankle often and when I did, the coach...



Hawaiian South Shore August Newsletter

TREAT YOUR FEET TO AN AT HOME MASSAGE David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore   We’ve been lucky this summer to have a few swells. Boy last year the surf was pretty bad. After surfing for several days in a row, my feet started to bother me. I think my feet really ache me most times because I’m flat footed. Also, often times when I work for several days on my feet, I do feel it. When I get that feeling of needing a massage, and I don’t have the time to go, I use my foot roller massage....



Hawaiian South Shore February Newsletter

 NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2019 MT. FUJI David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore Everyone can use a little luck in their lives, and my wife has her own fun way of finding it.  For the past few years, we have done trips back to Japan each January, and legend has it that it is good luck to bring in the new year by gazing upon Mt. Fuji. So every time we book our trips, my wife always makes sure that she will get a chance to see Mt. Fuji. Sometimes that might mean staying in a ryokan that has a good...



Hawaiian South Shore June Newsletter

Mugicha: Japan’s Favorite Drink That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of One of the most exhilarating parts of visiting and living in other countries and cultures is the opportunity to explore their unique food and drinks. Growing up in Okinawa, I was exposed to all sorts of interesting dishes and beverages, but perhaps the one that I recall the most vividly, at least during the summer months, is mugicha. Mugicha is tea made from roasted barley and is a staple of the Japanese diet during summer. It is extremely cool and tasty, and a great way to refresh yourself during a...

Hawaiian South Shore July 2021 Newsletter


Hawaiian South Shore July 2021 Newsletter

NEWSLETTER JULY 2021 Ala Moana: The South Shore’s Performance Surfing Center If Waikiki  is the center of longboarding and surf lessons on the South Shore, the Ala Moana is the local, shortboarding zone. Located just west of Waikiki, Ala Moana features a high density of quality reef breaks stretching from Kewalos all the way through the beach park to Magic Island, and then across the channel to Bowls and Kaisers. Whether you are looking for rights, lefts, barrels, turns, or even an exclusive bodysurfing wave, Ala Moana has it all.   In addition to lots of waves, Ala Moana also...

Hawaiian South Shore August 2021 Newsletter


Hawaiian South Shore August 2021 Newsletter

SURFING NEWS AUGUST 2021 Surfline Spirit Sessions With Ezra Rodriguez and Hawaiian South Shore Surfrider Spirit Sessions were created in 2006 through a collaboration between executive director Cynthia Y.H. Deroisier and Girl’s Court therapist Emma Pavich. Inspired by Deroisier’s book “The Surfer Spirit,” Pavich asked Deroisier to join her in creating a program that used surfing as a platform to reach at-risk children. In 2009, Surfline Spirit Sessions became a registered, independent non-profit corporation, and it received its 501©(3) status in 2010. It provides six events each year for 100 Oahu youth (during spring, summer, and fall), exposing them to...

Hawaiian South Shore October 2021 Newsletter


Hawaiian South Shore October 2021 Newsletter

Thunderbolt & Firewire Surfboards Price Increase As most of you know, the global supply chain has been an absolute mess over the past year, between the COVID-19 pandemic, material shortages, the Suez Canal blockage, and huge backlogs in deliveries. Not only has this resulted in a shortage of finished products such as surfboards and other gear, but it has also affected the companies producing that gear, since raw materials have been in short supply. At the same time, super low interest rates and numerous rounds of government stimulus has seen the economy doing much better than expected, but the downside...
