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Hawaiian South Shore April Newsletter

THE WRONG IMPRESSION David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore Twice a week for the past two or three years when I drop items off at the CPA, the office lady would come down to pick everything up. From the very beginning, she suggested that instead of me finding parking in the building, that she’d just come down when I come. It definitely saves me time, plus she can get some fresh air. Sometimes, I would be there just before lunch, so she would invite me to eat lunch with her boyfriend. After a few lunches together, I got to know...



Hawaiian South Shore March Newsletter

WHAT...? I DON'T UNDERSTAND? David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore Back in 1990 or so, I was in the Navy. I remember when I first came to Hawaii, a lot of places reminded me of Okinawa, especially around Tantalus area and certain parts of Kaimuki. I went out to dinner with some friends after being here for about six months or so, I remember the place was called the Chuck Wagon or something like that, on Kapiolani. I think it was near McKinley Car Wash. I remember I had to make a phone call, and of course, in those...



Hawaiian South Shore October Newsletter

WHO AND WHAT IS THUNDERBOLT TECHNOLOGIES David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore Mark Nelson founded Carve Sports, Inc. / VERITAS SURFCRAFT in 2014. Since that time, Mark and his team have partnered with Yu Sumitomo of Thunderbolt Technologies and elite longboard surfers including CJ Nelson, Harley Ingleby and Ben Skinner. Together with their shapers, this team has created exceptional lineups of high-performance and classic longboards. These boards have fun shapers and an established distribution of their boards in most major surf markets around the world. Brands include, CJ Nelson Designs, Harley Ingleby Series by Tolhurst Surfboards, Skindog Surfboards and...

Hawaiian South Shore January 2022 Newsletter Part 1 of 2


Hawaiian South Shore January 2022 Newsletter Part 1 of 2

 The Firewire Omni   Double-enders have always been a weird little niche in the world of surfboard shapes—almost snowboardish in design, with noses and tails that are difficult to differentiate between. Tomo loves unique, innovative designs, so it’s no surprise that he’d come up with his own version of a double-ender. What is surprising, however, in our world of cookie-cutter shortboards, is how popular the Omni has become. Ever since Slater tore the Surf Ranch apart on the disc-shaped board during the WSL’s test event, the Omni has been a solid staple of the Firewire/Slater Designs quiver. The Omni features...

Hawaiian South Shore March 2020 Newsletter


Hawaiian South Shore March 2020 Newsletter

Hawaiian South Shore March 2020 Newsletter is now out! Check the latest news on Surfing in Hawaii Island. Are you visiting Hawaii and want to have a surfboard? Visit our physical store at 320 Ward ave #112, Honolulu, HI, US, 96814. Hawaiian South Shore is a local surf shop in Hawaii since 1996. Mahalo!

Hawaiian South Shore February 2020 Newsletter


Hawaiian South Shore February 2020 Newsletter

Hawaiian South Shore February 2020 Newsletter is now out! Check the latest news on Surfing in Hawaii Island. Are you visiting Hawaii and want to have a surfboard? Visit our physical store at 320 Ward ave #112, Honolulu, HI, US, 96814. Hawaiian South Shore is a local surf shop in Hawaii since 1996. Mahalo!



Hawaiian South Shore's December Newsletter

HOLIDAYS WERE LONESOME David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore The support when you are underway on a ship between shipmates was something that kept your sanity, especially during the holidays. I was in the Navy prior to coming to Hawaii. Our home Port was in Yokosuka, Japan. During my time aboard (4 years), we were mostly out to sea. The longest we were in our home port was 3 months. The guys that were married with kids, had it tough. We’d spend a few weeks off Russia, then zoom down to another place for some operation with the fleet....



Hawaiian South Shore March Newsletter

RADIO TAISO AND A SURF AT KEWALOS David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore The other morning when I was getting ready to surf, I heard some music playing. I looked around, and realized the music was coming from the docks. I could see a group of people doing calisthenics, and it appeared that they were doing it in time to the radio music! This reminded me of when I was growing up in Okinawa. Every morning during summer break at 6:30a.m., we  would all  line up at the community center (“kominkan”) and do something called radio taiso (“radio exercise”)....



Hawaiian South Shore January Newsletter

HAPPY NEW YEAR! DID YOU CLEAN HOUSE? David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore In Japan, the New Year celebration is one of the most important events on the Japanese calendar. They have a variety of different customs and events. One big event is “Osoji,” what we call ‘Spring Cleaning.’ The ritual is traditionally done at the end of the year as an opportunity to reset and begin the new year fresh. If you didn’t do your end of year cleaning, do it now, it’s not too late! When I clean, I use straight baking soda and a scrub sponge...



Hawaiian South Shore May Newsletter

I GUESS SHE WAS RIGHT… AGAIN David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore I got my first tattoo when I was in the Navy, and I guess it was more of the influence of the people around me. Many on board the ship had them, and I was open to the idea of getting one. I have one on my chest and another on my leg. The leg tattoo was the first; it’s a sailing ship, in the form of a pirate’s ship. After being on board the ship and learning how things worked, I got really intrigued about how to...



Hawaiian South Shore February Newsletter

MOGUSA – THE GREAT REMEDY David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore When I was a kid growing up in Okinawa, I remember my parents always signed me up for sports. I was one of those kids that could never sit still, and I was always getting into things… so yeah, I was a hyper kid. I played soccer, football and baseball. My father was in the Marine Corps and the coaches were usually Marine Corps grunts (Marine in Infantry), so they didn't put up with any BS. I remember spraining my ankle often and when I did, the coach...



The Men’s and Women’s World Titles Will Be Decided in Hawaii

The Quiksilver Pro and Roxy Pro France ended this week, and with them came some major developments for the world title race. First, on the ladies’ side, Steph Gilmore had a chance to make history. She has won six world titles already—just one shy of Layne Beachley’s record of seven—and is widely considered to be the greatest female competitive surfer in history. The opportunity was there for her to clinch her seventh title in France—all she had to do was finish one round ahead of Lakey Peterson, who trails Steph but is still mathematically in contention for the title. But...
